Intern Journeys: Shaping the Future of STEM

Shaping the Future of STEM: An Intern’s Journey

August 19, 2024


Megan's journey from high school intern to seasoned college intern at Lockheed Martin is nothing short of inspiring. Having recently completed her second year of computer engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF), Megan reflects with gratitude on her four transformative internships at Lockheed Martin's Missiles and Fire Control (MFC).



Sparking Interest in STEM

Megan's fascination with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) began early, fueled by playing with LEGOs and marveling at the science behind Disney World’s roller coasters, robotics and animatronics. Although she had no close family members in STEM, her path took a decisive turn toward STEM when she moved to Orlando before her sophomore year of high school. Encouraged by a guidance counselor, she enrolled in Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering classes, where she gained hands-on experience with robotics, microcontrollers, sensors and more. This exposure ignited her passion for programming and technology.

Robot built by Megan
Megan with her CodeQuest team


Megan's participation in PLTW led her to compete in CodeQuest, a high school programming competition sponsored by Lockheed Martin. Her winning team earned interviews with Lockheed Martin, leading to an internship in 2021 – the summer after her junior year of high school.

Employee Growth at Lockheed Martin

Despite initial feelings of "imposter syndrome" upon entering the workplace at a young age, Megan quickly found herself welcomed and supported by her team. Leaders, mentors and team members provided guidance and encouragement, helping her realize her capabilities and value on the team. Beyond technical understanding in cybersecurity, hardware and embedded software, Megan credits her team with helping her develop as a "whole person," enhancing her communication skills, professionalism and career confidence.



Giving Back and Inspiring Others

An important aspect of Megan's journey is her involvement in student outreach. As a member of the Student Outreach Squad (SOS), she represented Lockheed Martin on campus at UCF from August 2022 to September 2023, attending engineering club meetings on campus, hosting events and engaging with fellow students to share her positive experiences and insights from her time at Lockheed Martin.


Advice to Future Interns

Megan shares three valuable pieces of advice for incoming Lockheed Martin interns:

  1. Always Ask Questions – Your team fully understands that you are an intern, and you are still learning. This experience is meant to help you to learn and grow your skills, and the best way to do that is by pushing yourself, putting yourself in new/unfamiliar situations, and asking questions often.”
  2. Try New Things – As interns, we are still early in our careers, and we still have a lot to learn. If you ever have an opportunity to take on a new task or stretch assignment, go for it. It may seem daunting to take on a task you’ve never done before or learn how to use a tool you’ve never used before, but it is always helpful to build a variety of skills and gain perspective.”
  3. Build Connections – In addition to the technical skills you’ll learn on the job, your internship is also a perfect opportunity to gain insight from people who are already in the industry. Your manager, buddy, or really anyone on your team can be a great resource for career advice and stories about their jobs. You never know what opportunities can come from a new connection!”

Megan, with other Lockheed Martin interns.

Looking Forward

Megan's journey exemplifies the opportunities and growth available to young talent in the aerospace and defense industry. As she continues to soar at Lockheed Martin, her story inspires aspiring engineers and interns to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. With dedication and determination, anything is possible.