Strengthening European Partnerships

For more than 75 years we have been a trusted partner to NATO, Europe and their allies. Today’s security situation requires technology and programs that allow allies to work as one force and stay ahead of growing threats.

A Trusted Partner to Europe

25% by value of every F-35 built is produced in Europe
100+ Polish built Black Hawks delivered to customers from 11 countries

We’re building a network of European industrial partners to build local capability, increase integrated deterrence and contribute to the European economy.  Our aim is to build a more advanced, resilient and collaborative defense industry - working with our industry and commercial partners to deliver more cutting-edge capabilities faster and more affordably to our customers.

  • We partner with Rheinmetall Defence to collaborate on a rocket artillery system and manufacture F- 35A centre fuselages in Germany.
  • We build Black Hawk helicopters, F-16 sub-assemblies, HIMARS systems and parts for air and missile defence in Poland.
  • Our partnership with Navantia in Spain has led to the successful integration between the Aegis Combat System and frigates for the Spanish Navy, as well as for the Norwegian and Australian navies.
  • KONGSBERG Defense & Aerospace are our partner in the development of the TPY-4 radar for the Norwegian Armed Forces.
  • In Italy we partner with Leonardo to operate an F-35 final assembly facility. The Lockheed Martin - Fincantieri team will build Littoral Combat Ships and Multi Mission Surface Combatants in the U.S.

Our technologies are a bridge that bring nations together and create opportunities for allied nations to collaborate; strengthening national and economic security for generations to come.


21st Century Security® Vision

As the leading defense tech company across all domains, we are leading industry transformation by serving as a pathfinder for 21st Century Security.

21st Century Security isn’t just an updated system, but a new standard of architecture and open-system integration. Our allied partners require deterrence platforms that are interoperable and networked into an ecosystem designed for a new standard of connected protection.

Key to achieving 21st Century Security is leveraging advanced commercial technologies, such as artificial intelligence, edge computing and 5G.MIL® connectivity to meet the evolving challenges of a more complex battlespace.


European Collaboration

Click an icon to learn more about our European activities.

In The News   ___

Latest European News

The Egyptian Armed Forces announced that Lockheed Martin will deliver two C-130J-30 Super Hercules tactical airlifters to the Egyptian Air Force.
Multi-Role Helicopter to be used for Emergency and Firefighting Services.
Lockheed Martin delivered the 2,700th Hercules multi-mission tactical airlifter, increasing the size, reach and strength of the worldwide C-130 fleet.
WARSAW, Poland, May 6, 2024 – The Ministry of Defence officially approved five completed Offset projects in the first phase of the WISLA programme. Lockheed Martin partnered with local industrial partners to increase technical capabilities and provide manufacturing know-how of components related to Patriot Advanced Capability – 3 (PAC-3) Missile Segment Enhancement (MSE)and in support of Poland’s air and missile defence.
Letter of Offer and Acceptance Signed for 35 helicopters
The Hellenic Navy today welcomed three MH-60R SEAHAWK® helicopters into the fleet during a special ceremony at Naval Air Station Kotroni-Marathonas.
Lockheed Martin extends its collaboration agreement with Navantia, Spain’s national defense and shipbuilding company and Combat System Integration agent.
Lockheed Martin delivered the first of four C-130J-30 Super Hercules with the Block 8.1 upgrade to the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF).
A Sikorsky, uma empresa da Lockheed Martin, concluiu os testes dos sistemas integrados de missão e sensores a bordo de três helicópteros MH-60R SEAHAWK® adquiridos pela Marinha Helênica.