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What We Discuss

F-35 Capabilities

What It’s Like to Fly
the F-35

The Growing Community of
F-35 Nations
Meet the Pilots

Tony “Brick” Wilson
Tony “Brick” Wilson is an F-35 Test Pilot. Before joining Lockheed Martin, he served in the U.S. Navy. Brick was the first F-35 pilot to land an F-35C on an aircraft carrier. Today, he flies all models of the F-35.

Monessa “Siren” Balzhiser
Monessa “Siren” Balzhiser is an F-35 Test Pilot, and has flown more than 1,800 flying hours in the T-6, T-38C, L-39, F-16, and F-35 and has over 320 combat hours. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin, she served in the U.S. Air Force.